I'll give the bad news first. Things with my mom went from recovering to worse. Her condition since she was released from the hospital has degenerated to the point where she is in a diaper and can hardly stand up to be dragged to the bathroom in her room. There have been a number of at best careless things done by nurses at the facility and at worst are downright negligent. We tried to have her moved but there arent any beds open for people in her level of condition. So we have apparently complained loudly enough to get people's attention and are having a meeting with the staff since we have to keep her there, it seems, at least for now. She has appointments thursday and friday that might help the situation, but frankly this week has been a really tough one and I'm starting to distrust the medical community in general. Her care was so awesome at st. joes, but since she has been released it's been bad, flat out. It's a mess and I hope this is the worst of it and that she is able to recover from this. When she's already in a bad place physically and mentally, every little thing becomes a lot bigger.
Leo and I had a nice weekend together and Eric worked at the dropzone a little. There's not much work out there this early in the season but hopefully it will pick up in a month or so. Leo and I enjoyed out time together and played outside in the dirt a lot. Saturday night I got a sitter and went out with a friend and had such a great time, I really needed that time out. I also have been working out regularely and running outside a couple times a week and am starting to see some results. That feels really good.
Farm work officially began yesterday with some potato planting and row marking. Beautiful rose colored gourmet potatoes went in a 70 foot row thanks to Eric's and my labors. Eric and Leo also went on a farm-adventure to look at tracotrs and other interesting things in the woods. I'm so excited and I hope that financially I can buy the capital expenses I need to to make the experiance easier: mulch, irrigation, ect. When I think about that stuff, I feel much more hopeful, so I'll keep my eyes turned there and the great books I'm reading: The Lacuna, which is awesome!!, The Historian, Half Broke Horses, Cloudsplitter, and a few others. I am also working on my first really basic quilt. The fabric I bought is a series of super cute patterns in a great array of colors, so I'm excitedd to start putting it together now that I cut all the pieces. (and a little scared I'll screw it up :) )
Nuff said,