I thought I would post a couple recent pictures that sadly do not include wedding pics yet, but hopefully soon.These are pics of the garden landscaping we had done by a landscaper friend in prep for our garden-wedding. It was really fun for me to have this added because of all the gardens I've mad in places where I've lived, I have always wanted a pond and never had one. So now I have one and a couple of the 4 goldfish we started out with are still in there, happy and free. We haven't named them, yet, but I'm sure we will when they come inside to live for the winter.
The summer is winding down and while it was a summer full of hard work and learning that I was grateful for, I am looking forward to the change in seasons and a shift of focus. I have to also say that while I lament our winters here and the cold and snow, in my heart I love the seasons and the change it brings. I love the idea that summer comes to a close and we do very different things in the winter that I love too. We have more time to spend with family since we are not out at the dropzone all the time or working on the farm. I get a little more freetime and Eric and Leo get more time together.
I have applied for the Land Stewardship's Farm Beginnings Program. The winter-long course is set up to help beginning farmers like to learn to make business plans, understand their market and the organic/sustainable food movement, and create a workable business. So I don't know if I got accepted or not, but I hope so. They will also have seminars and tours of people doing grass-fed beef, free range chickens and the like, which is great because that's ultimately the direction we'd like to go with this a few years down the road. So I'm excited to be getting ready to go back to school for a little while-work the ol' brain a bit.
I got fitted for a real cast for my fibula stress fracture after they raised the specter of something diabolical called a fibrotic union. Since I really want to be running again in a few months, I opted for the cast and thankfully it's one I can at least take in the shower (though it does take about an hour for all the water to drain out plus I burned out my old hair dryer trying to speed up the process). It's a pain but I just want to be able to use the leg again for sports and hopefully to be a runner again. My goal of marathon shimmers in the distance and I want to start taking the steps again to get there.
We are preparing for my dad's 70th birthday party next weekend and I look forward to enjoying more time with family than I got at our wedding. Family from out of town will be there and I am excited to see them.
That's it for now,