Greetings to all 6 of you and I hope you are well, 
Things are as busy as can be for us, but we are doing really well and enjoying our summer so far. We made a family trip to the MN Zoo and it was so expensive for the 3 of us to get in, we just decided to get a year membership since we were half way there anyway! It was a really fun morning and I look forward to more days ahead enjoying the zoo and seeing all the animals.
Things are as busy as can be for us, but we are doing really well and enjoying our summer so far. We made a family trip to the MN Zoo and it was so expensive for the 3 of us to get in, we just decided to get a year membership since we were half way there anyway! It was a really fun morning and I look forward to more days ahead enjoying the zoo and seeing all the animals.
These pictures are from my first CSA boxes ready to go to their eagerly awaiting families. It was really fun putting the first few together and I’m so excited to be in the thick of this adventure into veggie farming. I had some suggestions from a friend about how I can use Facebook better for promotion, and I look forward to that and setting up a blog, too. This is all such a challenge and delight to me, and absolutely why I named my enterprise Tusen Tack Farm-because Tusen Tack means 1000 Thanks and that’s just how I feel.
Eric is doing well. He passed his AFF Instructors course with flying colors after 12 days of really difficult jumps and weather. He really pushed himself because he wasn’t fully prepared for it in several ways, and he rose to the occasion like I knew he could. I was so proud of him and think it’s going to be a great step down the path we would like to be on for our family.
Leo is doing beautifully at school and home. We are all poopheads sometimes, so we have our challenges, but he is such a great kid with such a sweet nature. Always full of fun and adventure, when I asked him the other day what things he wanted to do when he’s bigger, without a pause, he said skydive. I thought that was interesting since he hasn’t been out to the dz in 8 months or so. What an honor it would be to skydive with him and I’d stay in the sport for that reason alone if for no other.
We also had a really fun canoe trip down the Cannon River some weeks back, lots of big wheel rides, trips to the farm, and playground playdates in the last month or so. He started swim class last night for the first time in 8 months after we dropped out of his last swim class due to a personality conflict. He took an instant disliking to the woman teaching his swim class and it was no use trying to convince him to get in the water with her and the other kids. So when he splashed right in last night and did all the things his young instructor asked him to do, I was so happy. It was a great evening and always good to wash a bad taste out of the mouth so to speak, for both of us!
My training for the sprint triathlon is going OK and I will get out to open swim this weekend hopefully. I won’t decide if I feel like I’m really going to be ready until I do that. I have another month to train, so if I don’t feel like I’m even close, I’ll choose a different one. It’s been challenging trying to get workout days in with both Eric and I so busy, but I am trying to get workouts in in the early AM so it’s out of the way-I just have to start going to bed earlier!!
We have lots of fun things ahead and I’ll try to keep a little more current here than I have been . All smiles…